McBains has secured planning approval, on behalf of Bellway Homes, for 153 new dwellings within Parcel 3 of the Houghton Regis North 1 (HRN1) development site in Central Bedfordshire.
Known as Linmere, the full HRN1 site is a new, mixed-use, urban extension to Houghton Regis which will deliver up to 5,150 dwellings, three primary schools, a mixed-use neighbourhood centre, a health centre and multi-functional green infrastructure.
The McBains masterplan proposal for Parcel 3, comprising 153 residential units ranging from 1-bedroom flats to 4-bedroom detached properties within the tenures of market and affordable, was approved by Central Bedfordshire Council on July 3, 2020.
Parcel 3 is located at the centre of the Phase 1 development area. It comprises three principal development blocks and is bounded to the north by the future ‘Main Street’ which runs east to west through the heart of the development area. To the east, it interfaces with further residential development parcels, located in part across a north-south ‘Green Corridor’.
Peter O’Rourke, Director at McBains commented: “As the first fully-granted parcel of development at Linmere, this approval represents a great milestone for the contemporary new settlement”.