We were appointed by David Wilson Homes to develop the Reserved Matters Applications for around 1200 dwellings in various parcels in the Brooklands area.

Brooklands is a major new district within Milton Keynes, forming part of the Eastern Expansion Area (EEA). Plans for the EEA include the provision of approximately 2,500 new homes, as well as employment land, community facilities, schools and a network of parkland. An outline/hybrid permission for the overall site was granted in 2007.
Our design approach followed and responded to the residential design guide / codes of Milton Keynes. A development strategy layout was prepared for initial discussions to agree key parameters and interpretation of the codes.

The masterplan addresses an ‘urban’ frontage; formal and denser arrangements face the key arterial route (City street), with focal and gateway buildings to aid wayfinding and to act as visual focus points. Whilst buildings fronting Newport Road and the park have a more ‘rural’ frontage.
Connection to the surrounding neighbourhoods has been provided within the design, encouraging walking and cycling.
The buildings along City Street present a high-density contemporary frontage for the development, with building heights up to 4 storeys at landmark locations and building types generally consisting of apartments or terraced dwellings. For the rest of the development the bulk of dwellings are two and two-and-a-half storeys. The dwellings of this character area are presented with a more traditional outlook. Focal spaces are located around the Brooklands masterplan, these usually are surrounding a green space, where taller and townhouse buildings enclose the space.
Corner site dwellings are designed with two frontages and often treated as gateway buildings.
Dwellings are configured in a full range of typologies. These range from detached and semi-detached houses to short and long terraces of houses and apartments. Groups are linked together with boundary walls to create well defined streets and spaces which highlight the emphasis on a quality public realm.
- Client:
- Barratt David Wilson Homes
- Services Provided:
- Masterplanning & Urban Design
- Sector:
- Housing & Masterplanning
- Location:
- Milton Keynes
- Period:
- 2015-2019
- Value:
- Confidential