The McBains specialist housing and master planning team has secured planning approval with two separate reserved matters applications, on behalf of Bellway Homes, for Parcels 1 and 3 at Linmere, Houghton Regis (Bedfordshire) for a total of 307 dwellings.

McBains has secured planning approval, on behalf of Bellway Homes (Northern Home Counties division), for parcel 1 and parcel 3 within Phase 1 of the Linmere development in Houghton Regis; a new, mixed use, sustainable urban extension comprising up to 5,100 dwellings, three new schools, a mixed-use neighbourhood centre, a health centre and multi-functional green infrastructure.
The approved designs, for a total of 307 dwellings, comprise a mix of one- and two-bedroom apartments, together with two-, three- and four-bedroom houses.
We developed our proposals in close liaison with the master developers and master planners, whilst responding to the Design Code requirements and adjacent parcel 2, to ensure a cohesive approach and rigorous interpretation of the design.
The proposed buildings are up to 4-storeys in height, although the bulk of dwellings are two storeys, with three and four storey units used for placemaking purposes combined with lively roofscape to help promote variety in the streetscene.
The end of each street has been arranged to terminate at built form to close views or towards open spaces. These provide a simple, well-connected and legible arrangement.
A green corridor, with a pedestrian link, runs from south to north and connects parcels 2, 3 and 1 to the Ouzel Brook Park. The buildings along this green element have been designed to have active frontages with repetitive built elements and consistent roof orientation helping to define the character of the area.
A continuous frontage - with consistent height, set back and alignment - is provided along the Main Street across the two parcels. Buildings on both sides of the street have been sensitively designed to respond to the Design Code requirements whilst also working together in terms of massing and design approach. Focal buildings are located to address the forthcoming Local Centre and to define a Gateway at the main entrance of the Phase 1 development to the east. Variation of roof types and orientation combined with the use of secondary materials helped to create interest in the streetscape.
The Landmark building “the Beak” will act, alongside the approved 4-storey building in Parcel 2, as a Gateway composition. The whole area is designed from a multifocal point of view to address each vista and frontage of this very prominent location. Soft landscaping to complement the architectural elements includes a signature shade tree to create a focal distinctive place.
In consultation with Central Bedfordshire Council and the master developers, a contemporary approach has been applied to the whole site, with clean and simple lines as the distinctive feature for this new development. Red and blue bricks will be used as the primary materials. The brick treatment will also be varied, including banding and decorative patterns to add interest. Balconies will also be included on the apartment blocks to provide supplemental amenity space.

- Client:
- Bellway Homes
- Services Provided:
- Masterplanning & Urban Design
- Sector:
- Housing & Masterplanning
- Location:
- Houghton Regis, Bedfordshire
- Period:
- 2020-2021