We were appointed by Barratt David Wilson Homes to develop Reserved Matters Applications for four parcels of land, totalling 453 dwellings, at Northstowe in South Cambridgeshire.

Northstowe is a proposed new town, northwest of Cambridge. Plans for this area include the provision of approximately 10,000 new homes, 11,000 jobs and 8 new schools to local community and the Greater Cambridge Area.
We were commissioned, over three years, to develop masterplan proposals for parcels H2 (135 dwellings), H7 (115 dwellings), H8 (73 dwellings) and H9 (130 dwellings).

We worked closely with South Cambridgeshire District Council to understand the history of the site and their aspirations. As our masterplan developed, we undertook a broad range of statutory and wider consultation, including presentations to the Cambridgeshire Design Quality Panel. The first planning application was granted in January 2017.
In the development of our proposals for this scheme we applied strong placemaking principles:
- A range of character areas with distinct character often identified by scale, layout arrangement, architectural details, styles, and material selection;
- Strong and distinctive built form stitched together by well-connected landscape corridors, serving as play areas and desire routes to key destinations; and
- New community spaces and play areas designed in as a tool to encourage social interaction, walking, and cycling thereby promoting principles of sustainability and well-being.
Legibility of the perimeter blocks is further enhanced by well-defined facades and by strategically located focal, landmark and gateway buildings. Their hierarchy-based location in the street structure is specifically designed to assist wayfinding across the site.
A contemporary approach has been applied along the parcels with clean and simple lines as the distinctive feature for this new development. The proposed buildings are up to three storeys in height, with a variety of eaves lines incorporated to help promote variety in the street scenes. The brick colours, full glazed windows together with the rusticated base, soldier course and quoining details give a modern approach to the new development.

- Client:
- Barratt David Wilson Homes
- Services Provided:
- Masterplanning & Urban Design
- Sector:
- Housing & Masterplanning
- Location:
- South Cambridgeshire
- Period:
- 2016-2019
- Value:
- Confidential