The scheme at Parnall Road will deliver ten new homes, comprising five new townhouses, five new apartments, private gardens, landscaping and associated parking, on a derelict site in the Staple Tye area of Harlow.

The proposal will regenerate an area of vacant land to provide much needed social housing, in the form of an apartment block containing a mix of one- and two-bedroom units, a two-storey wheelchair accessible house and four typical, two-storey houses.
The scheme forms part of Harlow Council's land and garages redevelopment programme, which focuses on the regeneration of redundant garages, brownfield land and open development sites, to deliver schemes that will contribute to the local character of the area, deliver much needed social housing and provide new and enjoyable places to live that are an architectural asset to the community.
The design is exemplary in respect of energy performance utilising principles of PassivHaus and is set to achieve net zero carbon in use, through air-source heat pumps and photovoltaics.
Our designs for the site activate the street scene along Parnall Road and respond to the built form in the area. The scheme introduces a variety of recessed brickwork and detailing, with a rational approach as a response to the diverse use of brickwork in the area and to help denote each house within the row of terraces.
The apartments feature private terraces or balconies, whilst the houses include private gardens and individual parking bays. There are also two areas of communal garden space with informal play features, rain gardens and bench seating.
The scheme has been developed following Passivhaus principles to deliver a project with very low space heating demands, optimum thermal comfort and air quality levels. The energy demand has been minimised through a highly efficient building envelope utilising low U-values and airtightness, reduced thermal bridges and the inclusion of highly efficient lighting, ASHPs and MVHR systems.
An air-source heat pump system will provide heating and domestic hot water and a photovoltaic array installed on the roof will generate renewable energy and reduce the energy demand of the building.

- Client:
- Harlow Council
- Services Provided:
- Architecture
Building Services Engineering
Civil & Structural Engineering
Sustainability & ESG
Project Management
Quantity Surveying - Sector:
- Social Housing
- Location:
- Harlow, Essex
- Period:
- 2022 - 2023
- Value:
- Confidential