The McBains specialist housing and master planning team has secured planning approval, on behalf of Barratt David Wilson Homes, for Parcels 5 and 5A at Priors Hall Park in Corby for a total of 236 dwellings.

McBains has secured planning approval, on behalf of Barratt David Wilson Homes, for parcel 5 and parcel 5A within Phase 1 of the Priors Hall Park development in Corby; a new, mixed use, sustainable urban extension that will deliver up to 5,100 new homes across three zones, alongside primary and secondary education, employment land, a district centre, and formal and informal open space.
The approved designs, for a total of 236 dwellings, comprise a mix of units ranging from one-bedroom maisonettes to 4-bedroom detached properties within the tenures of market and affordable.
The proposal has been developed in liaison with the master developers (‘Urban & Civic’), to seek a cohesive approach and rigorous interpretation of the Design Code and to ensure a sense of place and quality of design is achieved.
Parcels 5 and 5A are bounded to the west by a Primary Street which is the main route running North to South and connecting Phase 1 to the A43. This road is subject to a separate approval.
Both Parcels interact with the Village Square to the west; a civic space designed to create a distinctive Village Centre that can accommodate community gatherings, provide key movement links and a breakout space for residents, particularly during busy periods.
Parcels are divided longitudinally by green links connecting the key area of the Village Square to the open space along the western boundary.
The proposed buildings are up to 3 storeys in height, with a variety of eaves lines incorporated to help promote variety in the streetscene. The bulk of dwellings are two storeys, with two and a half storeys used for placemaking purposes at key locations. Corner plots are important, and dwellings are designed with two frontages, often treated as key buildings.
The street network has been created to respond and evolve from the requirements laid out in the approved design guidance and includes a hierarchy of types to give legibility to different parts of the site.

The masterplan introduces a strong importance towards the public realm. The development will be experienced through streets, green and open spaces. Public realm is emphasised and equally balanced within the parameters of achieving secure private spaces.
The layout has evolved as a series of regular and irregular perimeter blocks with homes facing outward across the street and public open spaces to create secure enclosed blocks.
The end of each street has been arranged to terminate at built form to close views or towards open spaces. These provide a simple, well-connected and legible arrangement.
In response to the Design Code and the aspirations for Key Phase 1 of the Priors Hall Park development, a vernacular approach has been applied to the whole proposal. Red and buff bricks will be used as the primary materials with reconstituted stone for key and marker buildings. The brick treatment will also be varied, including brick head and sill detail or reconstituted stone used for key plots. A limited use of render to pick out certain buildings and gable forms has been employed.

- Client:
- BDW Trading Limited (Barratt David Wilson Homes)
- Sector:
- Housing & Masterplanning
- Location:
- Corby, North Northamptonshire
- Period:
- 2022 - 2023