Masterplanning and Urban Design services in connection with the design of various phases of the West of Kempston urban extension area, totalling 748 dwellings.

We have carried out a number of detailed reserved matters applications for a number of phases of the West of Kempston urban extension area, covering numerous parcels.
Together with Great Denham, West of Kempston is part of a dedicated area of urban extension to the west of Bedford.
The combined sites will provide for up to 2760 dwellings and 7722 square metres of employment space. Also included in this comprehensive urban extension is the provision of a country park, open space, playing fields, footpaths/cycle routes, district centres, social housing, schools, sports/community facilities and the provision of a park and ride from the Great Denham site.
- Client:
- Barratt David Wilson Homes
- Services Provided:
- Masterplanning & Urban Design
- Sector:
- Housing & Masterplanning
- Location:
- West of Bedford, Bedfordshire
- Period:
- 2007-2016