Urban design and masterplanning of Area 10.3 within the Milton Keynes Western Expansion Area to provide 230 new homes.

McBains was appointed by Bellway Homes to develop Reserved Matters Applications for the development of Parcel 10.3, a 13.5 acre site within the Milton Keynes Western Expansion Area.
The approved scheme provides a mix of units from one-bedroom flats to five bedroom, detached houses. Of the total 138 houses and 92 apartments, 30% are allocated for affordable housing.
The Milton Keynes Western Expansion Area (WEA) is a 350 hectare site identified for re-development and is set to deliver around 6,500 new homes in total, together with employment land and parkland. It consists of two main zones – Area 10 and Area 11. McBains has provided master planning services to a number of parcels within the WEA for various developers and to date has secured planning permissions for more than 1,000 new homes there.
By working closely with the Planning Authority, through a detailed series of pre-planning and public consultations, our design solutions are developed with a strong urban design led approach.
The scheme’s aesthetic approach follows a contemporary design throughout the site, with particular attention to the frontages along the area’s main thoroughfares, with a sequence of high quality three storey buildings that are designed to give a continuity of frontage and character similar to mansion blocks. These buildings are massed with projecting gables and include three contrasting wall materials with full height glazing and cladding panels. The ‘landmark’ corners are enlivened with recessed balconies.
A primary, landmark building located at the area’s ‘gateway’ uses extensive modelling to allow for a play of shadows and to aid wayfinding in the neighbourhood. It is arranged as a series of interlocking volumes, with deep reveals in the façade accommodating balconies and glazed panels.
Primarily agricultural land, the site also contains the Grade II listed Whitehouse Farm. Our design retains the farmhouse as a focal point, with the surrounding development and landscape following a more traditional approach to preserve and enhance the setting of the farmhouse.

- Client:
- Bellway Homes
- Services Provided:
- Masterplanning & Urban Design
- Sector:
- Housing & Masterplanning
- Location:
- Milton Keynes
- Period:
- 2015-2017